Navigating the Challenges of Long-Term Work from Home: Tips and Realities

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Navigating the Challenges of Long-Term Work-From-Home

Work from Home

Work-from-home is NOT FUN!


As someone who’s worked from home from day one, I often hear comments like ‘Oh you’re so lucky!’ or ‘Oh you don’t have to wake up early to make it on time to work!’.

While these statements might be true, working from home for a long period of time can lead to:

– Zero motivation
– Creative blocks
– Feeling lethargic and dull on most days
– Isolation and loneliness
– Difficulty in maintaining a work-life balance
– Limited social interaction

If you’re a fellow WFH business owner or employee, here are some tips that I follow to ensure my day doesn’t slip away:

 – Make a to-do list every morning

The satisfaction of scoring out your tasks once you complete them is extremely gratifying and provides a sense of accomplishment.

 – Create a dedicated workspace!

Working on your bed will just make you drowsy and lazy. Make sure to have a desk and chair just for work purposes.

 – Establish a routine

Make sure to get up at the same time everyday like you would if you had to go to an office to work. Make sure to try to finish your work around the same time too so that you can have time for yourself and your loved ones.

 – Take breaks

It’s important to step away from your laptop and stretch every now and then. Try to have lunch away from your desk. This can help re-energize you.

 – Stay healthy

Like every desk job, sitting for hours is not healthy. Make sure to get some exercise in – either before or after work.

 – Professional Development

Take advantage of the WFH situation and try to learn other things to improve your skills and knowledge when you don’t have as much work.

Keep in mind that everyone’s situation is unique. It might take some trial and error to have a routine that is best suited for you.

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